The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul by Marty Chan

The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul

Ten-year-old Marty knows a few important things. One is that he is definitely Chinese and no other kid in his French-Canadian school is. He also knows that the Boissonault brothers and other bullies could pound him into dust; that teachers don’t get mad, they just get disappointed; and that Remi Boudreau is his only trusted friend. But when someone tags school property with graffiti and his friend is the number one suspect, Marty knows that he must learn a lot more if he’s to catch the real culprit and solve The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul.

Laced with humour and realistic boyhood codes of honour, friendship, and justice, Chan’s The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul makes for an inviting adventure and engaging read. Recommended for anyone who has ever had to endure elementary school.

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Publisher: Thistledown Press
Grades 3-7 / Ages 8-12
Trade paper / 204 pages
ISBN: 978-1-897235-00-3

Other Books in the Mystery Series:

The Mystery of the Frozen Brains
The Mystery of the Mad Science Teacher
The Mystery of the Cyber Bully